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Here you can find all the multimedia regarding Fusion Education matters. For access to the each gallery click on the link. Some Galleries requires Flash Player to view it.

3 Picture Gallery (TeleSeya ™) 4
This is the place to see snap shots of Memorable incidents in the telecentre family history ! These galleries are categorized by date of the picture taken. Albums are created using Picasa Web Album. Some Special galleries need Flash Player to preview.

2 Video Gallery (ටෙලිTube™) 4
This is the place to watch Memorable incidents in the history of the telecentre family! This system uses FLV, so you need Flash player to view these videos. Download links are available.

2 Articles (Teleවිකී™)
You can now publish your articles about ICT in Sri Lanka & all over the world. This is a free encyclopedia based on WIKIPEDIA. You must register to edit the contents & publish new contents.

34 Audio Gallery
This contains Voice Recordings. Audio Articles, Audio instructions, etc. RealPlayer, Flash Player or Windows Media Player are needed to play these audio files.

2 Presentation Gallery
You can view and download all the presentations which are published on this site in this gallery.

2 Social Networks (Members')
See what we and our Fusion Education members are doing via twitter, Facebook™, Google Group and Ning. This Portal is without a doubt the best way to share in and discover what is happening right now. Some networks provide SMS notifications.

3 Telecentre/Nenasala Gallery
This contains information about our Fusion Education customers. Each customer owns single web page that contains their details. Direct Online contact available with a single click. Access is enabled to Fusion Education premium customers only.