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Fusion Education

Improvement of ICT skills in Grassrootss communities by providing ICT training through telecentres


Fusion Education (Fusion Education) is provided through Sarvodaya Fusion, and it has already started to provide the Diploma in Computer Application (DICA) and learning materials as well. In future, we are hoping to expand this for more ICT services.

Diploma in Computer Application Book (New Version)
Diploma in Computer Application (DICA) book was introduced by Sarvodaya Fusion in 2007 and is based on the TVEC guidelines.
This new version coveres basic concepts of IT and MS Office 2010 lessons up to Diploma Level + Social Media

4qDiploma in Computer Application Exam
Sarvodaya Fusion provides an exam called Diploma in Computer Application (DICA) nationwide for students through Telecentres/Nenasalas in Sri Lanka. This exam is based on the DICA book.

4ICT For Kids Stage I & II Book & Exam
The ICT for Kids course was introduced by Sarvodaya Fusion in 2011 with the goal of introducing children to computer technology.