The Diploma in Computer Application (DICA) book was introduced by Sarvodaya Fusion in 2007 and is based on the TVEC (Tertiary And Vocational Education Commission) guidelines. The main objective of introducing this book to all telecentres/Nenasalas, was to provide a standard curriculum for Grassroots students. The new version of the book has covered the basic concepts of IT and Microsoft Office 2010 up to Diploma Level and Social Media. This book is a guide to both students & instructors.
- Written in Simple English
- Reasonable Price
- Use as a self guidance materials
- Useful for future reference
Contents of the Book
This Books contents are Basic concepts of IT with Microsoft Office XP 2010 + Social Media
- Basic Concepts of IT
- Windows 7
- Word 2010
- Excel 2010
- Power point 2010
- Access 2010
- Internet & Email
- Social Media
Diploma in Computer Application (Edition 2) 
This new edition contains the Diploma in Computer Application July 2011 Exam Paper. 7 chapters, 293 pages. Package Price Rs. 1990/= only. Hurry, Buy now!
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