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Online Seminar (Webinar)

The first time in Sri Lanka, we are introducing the Online Seminar (Webinar) for students in grassroots telecentres who are going to write the DICA exam. We conduct the online seminar 1 month before the exam. Press the below "Connect with the Online Seminar" button to directly connect with the Online Seminar Skype ID.

34How we conduct the Seminar
The method we are conducting the seminar, Model paper and the district time schedule of the current online seminar are listed here. And also included the System requirements for the seminar.

34Online Seminar Podcast
We record the online seminar sessions. We upload a podcast of it (a non streamed webcast) on our website. Available for download as .mp3 files.

Here, you can see the videos and photographs of the online seminar of all our telecentres. Flash player is required to view these photos and videos.