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First Sri Lankan e-Lab for the Students in Grassroots telecentres. The playground of the Fusion Engineers.


Fusion Labs offers those of our users who enjoy exploring new territory the opportunity to test and examine some of our prototypes – these are new and exhilarating ideas and territories. Fusion engineers seek to have a platform from which to showcase their new thoughts and plans and Fusion Labs is the perfect way for them to garner feedback: Please note that Labs is the first phase in a lengthy product development process and none of this stuff is guaranteed to make it onto Fusion Education. While some of our new ideas might grow into the next Educational Product, others might turn out to be, well, just plain crazy.

What should I expect from experiments in Labs?
The projects in Labs are intended to showcase some of our new thoughts and wacky ideas but are not intended to be full-blown Fusion products. However, it is sadly the case that it is unlikely for all these ideas to wind up on the website ; some will make it and become significant new web applications, but bear in mind that the progression and development each new project is put through is lengthy and this is merely the first of many stages.
While the ideas being formulated in the labs may seem inspiring, they will ultimately not become new Fusion products. It is advised that users do not input sensitive items of information in any project you participate in. Projects may be suddenly terminated or removed without warning to the participant users and some data may become inaccessible to users.


Who builds these things, anyway?
Fusion engineers & other out-source partners do. Because many of these projects are supported only in their spare time, we ask for your indulgence if a demo refuses to run, or even walk quickly. In fact, every once in a while some of these demos may crash. If they do, we'll pick them up, dust them off, and try to send them back out into the labs as quickly as possible.


What will happen to these experiments over time?
That depends in part on you. Your comments and feedback can elevate a project to consideration for integration into Fusion Education— or cause it to disappear and never be spoken of again.

Why Fusion Education decided to do this?
Fusion engineers seek to have a platform from which to showcase their new thoughts and plans and Fusion Labs is the perfect way for them to garner feedback: once the user has participated, they can give their views and suggestions to the developers, so that the prototypes can be further improved. Once you have participated in a project, please follow the “Details and Feedback” link and write them a message, detailing your honest views.


I know how to make one of the experiments really useful. Whom do I contact?
If you have something to say about a Fusion Labs product, we can't encourage you strongly enough to comment on the experiment and let us know at labs@education.fusion.lk. Your feedback on these prototypes is an essential part of the development process and is greatly appreciated.



Here you can see newly started projects of the Fusion Labs. Still in beta test. Please help our engineers to develop these beta version by downloading, Installing & sending feedback about those projects.
Fully tested Fusion Labs products can be download here. We are using these products for our exams & others things.
Here you can see our inactive products. If our customers not sending feedback our products or if they do not like these products we are removing and put those products here.
  • LiveFeed 1.0
  • Cloud Cast
  • LiveEngine 1.0
  • Fusion Automate
  • TeleForum
  • TeleChat
  • TeleCASH
  • LiveConnect
  • LiveLocate
  • FusionElements
  • TeleWiki
  • EMS Desktop Edition
  • EMS 2.0 Web Edition

  • EMS 1.0 Web Edition
  • ConnectNOW
  • Fusion Chrome 1.0