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"Fusion Education main target is to e-empower the poor community by providing access to ICT. And also it provides Standard ICT Exam system for Island wide telecentre/Nenasala students (First time in Sri Lanka)
Sarath Kumara
Kotapola Nenasala - Matara
"I am dealing with your organization and it is refreshing to have such nice people to deal with. I would like to thank Madushan in the Fusion Education sales section and Danesh in the tech support section for their lively disposition and their help. I will recommend your organization when I have the opportunity."
Santhusha Jayathilaka
Udubeddawa Nenasala
"ඇත්තෙන්ම ගමේ අය විදිහට අපි කවදාවත් ඔන්ලයින් සෙමිනාර් එකකට සහභාගී වී තිබුණේ නැහැ. මේ විභාගය නිසා අපිට එයට සහභාගී වෙන්න අවස්ථාව ලැබුණා."
ප‍්‍රියංගිකා ජයසේකර
උදලූමඩ නැණසල
Top 10 Reasons our customers are joining to Fusion Education.

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