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ICT training in Grassroots communities is a primary means of generating income in most telecentres in Sri Lanka. However, the quality of courses offered varies from telecentre to telecentre in terms of contents of the course, duration of the course, standard of instructors, standard of exams, availability of certificates etc. It also lacks or has varying degrees of recognition among public. Fusion Education offered by Sarvodaya Fusion is to standardize and streamline procedures relating to ICT training offered by telecentres and to improve recognition of telecentre based ICT training.

Fusion Education aims to standardize Telecentre based ICT training by,

  • Standardizing the ICT training curriculum by introducing a Diploma in Computer Application book for guidance of instructors and students.
  • Specifying a standard time schedule for the duration of the course.
  • Streamlining procedures relating to examinations.
  • Tasking a university with setting examination papers and guidance for instructors.
  • Providing a certificate which would be recognized @ national level.
  • Facilitating registration of telecentres with TVEC. (Tertiary And Vocational Education Commission - Sri Lanka)








Diploma in Computer Application Book, New Edition.